My name is Lili Déri (or just simply "Drili"), an LGBTQ+ animator and illustrator from Hungary! With a passion for the craft of animation and all that it is capable of, I love to experiment with different styles and mediums in order to tell captivating and engaging stories and make little guys move. I graduated trade school with a vocational degree in animation and film making in 2023, and hopefully soon will be pursuing a university degree in character animation as well.


Various school-, personal- and workshop projects from 2016-2023.

graduation project - Manifesto (2023)

At the end of the 5 year long vocational program, not unlike graduating university students, we were expected to produce a thesis film based on some pre-agreed judging criteria.Inspired by a previous school project based on an anthology of god-awful postmodern poems, Manifesto follows the misadventures of Adam and Eve in a world of abstarct and frivolous stream of consciousness, masquerading as profound philosophical thoughts with deeper meaning. There's also birds.

© Lili Déri. All rights reserved.